Sunset Enhanced Blend
Powdered pure enhanced m.speciosa extract in 1gr capsules
Our new Sunset Blend caps are the easiest, most cost effective way to a peaceful restful, healing sleep or soothed and relaxed evening or anytime at all (not sleep inducting , it helps but won’t cause anyone an overwhelming tired feeling , use all products in moderation )
The average use is only 1 (capsule = 1 gram or 1000mg ) per day .. our NEW enhanced sunset blend contains 25 x 1 gr caps 3x powdered with pure m.speciosa extract
***supports relaxation and sleep or relaxing evenings (or anytime ) .. each bottle contains apx 1 month supply – we also have NEW Sunrise Blend for focus , energy , motivation .. check the powdered tea category or use search at top of page (or if on phone open menu box )